FOOL’S RIDE by John L. Monk

Dan Jenkins is back, body hopping a scumbag at a time in his quest for the perfect ride. He doesn’t need much. Premium cable TV, good books, a well-stocked pantry, and he’s set. But the Great Whomever has other plans.

After six months waiting in limbo, Dan catches a ride as a horror novelist whose gruesome stories aren’t just fiction. Later, he hunts a man who’s escaped justice for far too long. Then, in his greatest challenge yet, he strays too deeply into the lives of the people he loves: his most foolish ride of all. 

The second volume in the Jenkins Cycle is a great progression of the story line and we find out more things about the afterlife and get some theories on Dan’s status.  Poor Dan. He comprehends the magnitude of his stupid act of suicide. His guilt is so stupendous, he somehow finds himself entering the body of a living human man. What happens to the guy’s soul while Dan occupies his “ride,” we don’t know, and we don’t need to worry about that yet. Most of these guys end up dead, thanks to Dan, who somehow manages to occupy the body of a bad guy, a seriously, horribly bad guy who deserves to die immediately. And should have died before he had a chance to ruin so many other lives.  The story progresses, one surprise after another, flying bullets, innocents to save, donuts to devour and food, food, food.  Dan reminds us of how much fun it is to be human, and how great it is just to eat in front of a big-screen TV.

Still loving this, and now want to know more about what or who is behind all this.  On to the third volume.

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