HOPPER HOUSE by John L. Monk

This is the third in the Jenkins Cycle series.  It didn’t have that total finality to it, so I am assuming there are more planned.

Dan meets a mysterious woman named Rose who says he’s not alone. Like him, she’s dead and possesses the bodies of awful people. Unlike him, she doesn’t care what they’ve done, and she hides a secret shame.

Through Rose, Dan learns there are others like them, living in the shadows, hopping blissfully from ride to ride chasing excitement and chemical highs. For them, morality doesn’t matter, virtue is negotiable, and consequence has a three week expiration date.

They call themselves “hoppers.”

This is a new turn for Dan’s afterlife experience when he discovers he’s not the only person like him jumping from body to body.  Her name is Rose  Despite her efforts, he finds himself cornered by a new nemesis, one who knows all about his “condition” and how to blackmail him. But in typical Dan style, he’s not going to give in without doing his best to make the bad guy pay.  This volume dives deeper into this bizarre world Monk  has created. He expands on the possibilities of what Dan is capable of and introduces “hopper houses” where other people suffering the same eternal punishment can come and get a reprieve, that is until the landlord decides to meddle in their fun.

The minister shows up again, and is convinced that the hoppers are demons, all evil except for a few good ones like Dan.  He tells Dan he (the minister/priest) is Enoch or like Enoch, and it is his mission to rid the ‘skins’ or ‘rides’ of their demon cargo permanently.

Well, we still don’t learn what is behind all this riding or hopping, whether it is God or god or gods or aliens, or just what.  Hence my theory that the series is not over.


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